Thursday, May 17, 2012

When did this all start?

Currently on maternity leave, I am sitting on the couch with the phone pressed to my ear with my iPad open to the city of Toronto "building permit status" page. (The baby? sleeping. ) Although I open this page each and every day, the status has not changed. When the docs were submitted by our builder we were assured it would take 10 days. On my first crazed phone call to the permit people I was advised 10 business days. It has now been 15 days. So I am calling again, from my couch in my 720 square foot home that I share with my husband, almost 3 year old, almost 1 year old (did I mention they are both boys???) and our cat. I can't help but feel that this started over 5 years ago, when we first bought our house. Maybe not. It did for me anyway, maybe not for my husband. I found the location I wanted to live in and we bought a tiny two bedroom war time bungalow in midtown Toronto. I had watched too many home Reno television shows and had a vision of what it could become. My husband had no idea. He saw this cute little house and envisioned living a low impact, green lifestyle with less stuff in a small space. It's hell. I leave another message (number 3) with the city.